Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Adventures in Haircut Land

Okay so I finally did it... I cut Abby's hair. And it wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be!!! Just as I was strapping her in her highchair Becca came in so she helped me to distract her a little bit. She turned towards the scissors alot so that was a little frightening I kept thinking she would turn and i would cut her nose or something horrible like that but all went well.

The dreaded scissors!!!!


After... I didn't do to bad for a first timer( my hands were shaking like a leaf!!!)

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I thought that i would put some pictures of Abby on here for all those who haven't seen us in a while.... I had to post this one she is so proud of herself that she can move on her own and she loves that i get to chase her all over the place!!!(p.s. anybody have any tips on how to go about cutting her hair this will be the first time and to say that I am nervous is an understatement!!! HELP!!!)
Here she is crawling towards me

Friday, March 13, 2009

abby's first overnight trip

On tuesday night Paige invited abby and i to go to logan with her to visit Jody i said sure then she said we are probably staying the night i thought that that might be interesting abby usually won't sleep anywhere but her bed but i figured that we would have to do it some time. Tyler was a little okay alot upset and nervous he didn't want us to go out of town without him. Finally I just told him we were going and he said okay. Anyhow it went really well and abby did great!!! she slept much better than i did because i kept thinking she would roll off of the bed oh well that's what mothers are for to worry to much right?? anyway we had a great time and it was nice to get away if only for one day. I loved spending time with Jody and Paige they always treat just like a sister or daughter not just a cousin in law love you guys!!! Well hope all is well with everyone lots of love!!!