I guess that I will be the first to blog about our annual family vacation to Alturas Lake. We had a wonderful time this year and it was really nice to see how much Abby enjoyed her first real camping trip. Troy and Laura flew into Idaho Falls on Saturday the 25th and we left for the lake Sunday morning. Troy and Laura had to ride with us and listen to Abby talk the whole way (3+ hours) and Beau whine which is definitely worse in my opinion. Once we finally made it we had been out of the car for about five minutes and Abby falls on her face and we have the first wound of many, of course she was a trooper, who knew that I would have such a great camper at such a young age!!! On Sunday we set up camp and got stuff ready for the week, we had a great turnout this year Tyler, Nita, and Riley were the only ones who couldn't make and we really missed them!!! We were joined by Ryann's sister Melissa her husband Chuck and their three boys Tanner, Spencer, and Adam on Sunday night. On Monday we went on a "small" hike around Petit Lake which was beautiful as always. Blake walked by me for most of the time and I was amazed by all the questions that can come from a four year old I don't think he ever stopped talking or walking he was a great hiker. Our only dilemma was that he wanted to stop about every minute, not for a break but to throw rocks into the lake. On the way down we stopped for a break and Troy climbed up on a big rock Blake asked if he could climb it too and we told him no he was to little, he looked back up and said "it's only for HUGE boys like Troy" we told him yes and all had a good laugh. We drove back to Alturas had lunch and then decided to go to the beach. The water didn't feel as cold this year and Abby loved it. Even after she slipped off of my finger and went all the way under she didn't cry, the crying started when I made her get out because her whole little body was shivering poor thing. After a little fight she was content to play in the sand and the water was kind of forgotten. Tuesday morning we got up to go to Stanley Lake and Tyler had to make the dreaded phone call to see if he had to go home and go to work. He did and we were all totally disappointed but didn't let that stop us from having fun the rest of the day. We got to see the fish and game stock the lake which I had never seen before it was really cool about 10,000 fish released in maybe 3 minutes. We stopped at the fish hatchery on the way back to camp so that we could see some really big Salmon (I'm not kidding some of them were like 3 ft. long yum!!! we're having fish tonight) and some really tiny trout. The kids always like to go and see the fish at the hatchery and I do to I'm not going to lie!!! As we were pulling back into the campground my worst nightmare came true a fish and game officer was putting a bear trap at the beach. Of course this is on the night that my husband is leaving me to go to work and it was just going to be Abby and me in the tent all ALONE!!! Needless to say there were many "bears" right outside our tent the rest of the trip. I didn't realize how much of a chicken I was until I was by myself at night. I was pretty sad to see Tyler have to leave but next year we will be able to go together for the entire trip. Okay well on Wednesday we decided to stay at the campground and relax. The MEN took all the kids fishing and the women washed our hair it felt so good to have clean hair after three days with no shower. We spent the majority of the day at the beach and it was so peaceful and relaxing it is beautiful up there and I am so grateful to be able to spend even a small amount of time in the wilderness with my family. Thursday morning came and it was time to go home and I realized how much Tyler really does for me. It was really hard to watch Abby, fold up the tent, and get the car packed all by myself luckily I wasn't completely alone or I would probably still be up there with the bear!!! We took a detour to Fall Creek on the way home which is kind of by Sun Valley and if you've never been you should go it's beautiful. I will admit that I didn't want to go on another hike that I just wanted to go home but once we got their I was glad. It was fun to reminisce. Tanner and Chelsey rode home with us and we were talking about camping up there and how he broke my nose and tooth once when we stayed there, and I will admit it's kinda funny now. All in all it was a wonderful vacation and one that I look forward to every year so let's keep up the tradition. I love you all and am so grateful that you still want to get together as a HUGE family.
Abby and Mommy in the lake
Abby and Grandpa playing in the sand
Abby and Kaylee in the bike trailer. Abby loved Kaylee in fact so much that she called Aftyn Kaylee the whole week. Once Kaylee even told me that Abby was bothering her because she kept saying her name!!! Memories!!!
Grandpa and Blake having a splash fight.
Abby and Daddy looking at the huge Salmon!!!
I have a bunch more pictures but this is already a huge post so maybe I will just do some pictures on another one later.