Thursday, December 10, 2009


I am going to be crazy by the time Abby is out of her new phase. I can't take her anywhere not to church, the store, the visitors center at the temple with my girls, to get pictures, absolutely nowhere. She screams (just for fun not because she's upset), cries, throws herself on the ground, throws things out of the cart, runs away and is just plain NAUGHTY. I usually can't even bribe her to be good. AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!! I just want to kick and scream too I don't know what to do with her and I have considered some things I won't type so nobody turns me into health and welfare. I just had to write this up to get some of my frustration out so that I don't beat my child today. Thanks for listening any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  1. I feel bad for you Tracy. Unfortunately, I don't have any advice to give because, I am not a parent and have not dealt with that yet. I hope for your sake that Abby grows out of her new phase fast.

  2. Oh man, don't you love it?? No you don't-I would have to agree! I'm sorry that she is being a little (okay BIG) stinker for you. She is at a hard age because they don't really understand time outs, etc but you can still try those. I always locked my kids (still do sometimes) in a stroller if I went anywhere so that they couldn't get out. They would bawl, scream, lean all the way down but I wouldn't let them out. I would let them out and tell them, "You stay by mama because if you run away, you have to go back in the stroller, cart, etc..." Of course, they would get out and run away, I would chase them and put them back in the stroller and say, "No, sorry, you didn't stay with mama so you have to stay in the stroller." Then of course, everyone got to listen to them too-sorry!

    Hang in there-she will surpass this in time to get in a new phase. I wish you luck and just know that they all do this-you're not alone!
