Thursday, May 21, 2009

Exciting and Scary News

Today Abby took a few steps all by herself in the front yard!!! yeah!!! It was so exciting but also a little scary and sad at the same time. In just one short week she will be one year old how sad. On a happier note we will be having a party on Saturday the 30th for her. I know this is tacky but i totally spaced getting invitations out on time so here is everyone's invite. Please come over at about four o'clock on Saturday afternoon for BBQ and fun!!!


  1. Ooh, the walking phase. I agree, scary, sad, and happy emotions all at the same time. I can hardly believe that your baby is one...almost. Holy cow! We will be there on Saturday and I will bring a side dish to share! Thanks for the invite.

  2. That is exciting and scary!! You're really in trouble now!
