Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Well not much is happening for us lately. Tyler applied for a new job as a drafter at the INL so pray for us they have great benefits and will probably pay him a little more which would be nice, but we have heard they are kind of slow when it comes to hiring so please keep those fingers crossed!!! Abby is trying her hardest to crawl but is still not there yet which is okay but somehow she can still figure out how to get around i look away for a few minutes and she has moved all over the living room. I think she just scoots with her butt or something someday I'll catch her in the act!!! Other than that not much is happening here I hope all is well with everyone Love you guys.


  1. Ooh, good luck with the job! Does it pay more and have better benefits? I sure hope so! I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Too funny about Abby. She does manage to somehow scoot herself to go. Hopefully she gets the crawling down (but I totally understand you not wanting her mobile).

    I sure love you guys and hope all is well!

  2. That is awesome about Abby trying to crawl I am amazed how fast time flies bye. We are praying for Tyler to get the job. We hope all is well with you guys, and hopefully we will see you soon. Love you guys.
