Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Although it has only been cold for about two weeks Abby and I are about ready to pull our hair out. I have been letting her go outside but it is so dang cold that we don't stay out for long not by her choice of course, if she had her way she would stay outside saying SNOW MOMMY SNOW!!! until her fingers and toes fell off. Anyway the purpose of my post is that I need some help!!! Does anybody have a great website or any awesome ideas of things that I can do inside with an eighteen month old (going on 30:(. If so don't be stingy send them along to me!!! Thanks everyone love you guys.


  1. Ha ha ha-18 month old going on 30-ha ha ha! She is SO like Aftyn! Here are a few ideas that I have come across. I have this great book that I will look at. I will scan it in and maybe I can e-mail it the scanned pages to you? What is your e-mail address? That way, you can have LOADS of activities to do according to age. It is actually a lot of fun. Anyways, here is this list and if you give me your e-mail address, I will e-mail you more ideas!

    -inflatable mattress for guests - we pump it up and roll around on it while it deflates. We stumbled on this beaute after some guests visited.

    -inflate a beach ball 3/4 of the way. 18 month olds are generally able to roll around on it on their bellies and it yields, well, belly laughs!

    - sand box. I can barely get my kids out.

    -I put my 2 year olds mattress on the floor instead of in the frame so she could get used to the "big girl" bed thing. It's a great jumping place and not too far to fall.

    -We have at home library readding/singing time. I pretend I'm the librarian and theyboth seem to get the pretend thing. I might try using this at other times when I need them to pay attention!

    -Clean up. My 2 love to use the swiffer and sponge. I save "special" sponges for them that I've cut into a shape and they wipe down their chairs and table, the front of the stove. The swiffer is great because they really do manage to get up a few dusty bits! I love the help, too!

    -"Crazy Color Bath", we do this when I really am burnt out and need to just sit for a few. I have an ice cube tray that I put water and food coloring in to make different colored ice. I fill the bath like usual, plop them and their toys in, and toss in a cube or two. They love to watch them dissolve and we talk about the colors. Then if things are running late that night, I don't feel so guilty about not giving them an official bath!

    -Dress up. I asked my friends and family to take a look around and see if they had any interesting items that they weren't using anymore that might be fun for dress up for the kiddos and got some fun things. I also look for interesting hats, gloves, jewelry, and other stuff at yard sales and second hand shops. I have a big basket full of the items. Because many of them are adult size, I can join in on the fun, too.

    -Cheerio necklaces. Hold the string and let your wee one string on the Cheerios. Tie it off and let him eat his artistry when he's done. It doesn't get more rewarding than that!

  2. Here is a Fisher-Price website that might be helpful too!


  3. Alright, one more website and then I promise, I'll quit taking up all your comment space!


    Some of these ideas are for older kids, but you might be able to tweak it a little bit for Abby! Hope these help!

  4. Thanks Ryann I knew I could count on you for advice because you are such a great mom!!! Our email address is tbutikofer@hotmail.com so keep 'em coming.

  5. Tracy-Count us for brown for shirts for pictures! I found all the shirts so brown it is!
